PS: my new hot pink headphones!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
s is for seriously, i need a vacation.
Friday, July 23, 2010
i spy friday.
i spy flower grenades!
i spy raspberry brown sugar gratin!
i spy my next camera purchase!
i spy evian roller baby tees!
and last, but certainly not least,
i spy a double rainbow.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
oh sew sweet.
Last weekend my mom gave me a new sewing box full of vintage supplies that have been passed down for generations. Everything has been so well preserved with needles and thumb tacks still in their old boxes, thread wound around wooden spools, and buttons and beads all neatly separated. I can't wait to learn how to sew, so I can start making cute clothes and bags and accessories with mismatched buttons and vintage thread!
My dad surprised me with an Instax mini (tiny polaroids) and they are the cutest/funnest pictures ever! Check out my sewing pics and some of my mini polaroids! xo
My dad surprised me with an Instax mini (tiny polaroids) and they are the cutest/funnest pictures ever! Check out my sewing pics and some of my mini polaroids! xo
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
the stringy.
Nona fetches. How weird is that. I think it's pretty smart for a cat to know that in order to chase the stringy, it needs to move. And in order for the stringy to move, a human needs to hold it. So she brings it to all hours of the day (and night). Usually when we're trying to eat dinner, watching our favorite TV shows or sleeping. I often wake up to the stringy being dropped on my face and Nona standing on my chest. In case you don't believe me I caught it on camera:
nona fetches from Meg Kirsic on Vimeo.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
i think i'm there.
How is it that after traveling the world, from Greece to Maui, Knoxville is still one of my favorite places? I say it's just as much about the people you're with than the city you're in. Chad asked me while walking around in the old city, "If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?"
I answered, "I think I'm there."
Standing next to the old Tennessee Theater in the blistering Fourth of July heat, with my best friend ever, Stephanie, is exactly where I wanted to be. We see each other every other month if we're lucky. But then Chad clarified, "If you could be anywhere in the world with STEPHANIE, DUNCAN AND MYSELF, where would it be?" I laughed and pondered for a minute.
I've never been there before. I prefer traveling to new places. But Knoxville is a place that I will never be tired of visiting. It holds so many memories for me, and every time I'm there I create new ones. This trip's memories include, but are not limited to: quite possibly the best sushi I've ever had in my entire life, hilarious drinking games that made us laugh so hard we cried, Fourth of July parfaits, our own personal fireworks show, Eclipse movie mania, and a windy photo session in the car!
Do you have a random place you love to visit just because of the great friends who live there? Where is your Knoxville?
I answered, "I think I'm there."
Standing next to the old Tennessee Theater in the blistering Fourth of July heat, with my best friend ever, Stephanie, is exactly where I wanted to be. We see each other every other month if we're lucky. But then Chad clarified, "If you could be anywhere in the world with STEPHANIE, DUNCAN AND MYSELF, where would it be?" I laughed and pondered for a minute.
I've never been there before. I prefer traveling to new places. But Knoxville is a place that I will never be tired of visiting. It holds so many memories for me, and every time I'm there I create new ones. This trip's memories include, but are not limited to: quite possibly the best sushi I've ever had in my entire life, hilarious drinking games that made us laugh so hard we cried, Fourth of July parfaits, our own personal fireworks show, Eclipse movie mania, and a windy photo session in the car!
Do you have a random place you love to visit just because of the great friends who live there? Where is your Knoxville?
Monday, July 5, 2010
Let me tell you why I love concerts. Or more importantly, why I love standing in a concert crowd, five feet from the stage, shoulder to shoulder with people I've never met before. For some reason, you stand there with no inhibitions. It's like driving a car, only you don't have a windshield between yourself and the people trying to cut in front of you. But that doesn't stop you from speaking your mind and/or pushing everyone around you. Because 1.) they can barely hear you; and 2.) you'll never see these people again. Oh and 3.) you might be slightly inebriated.
You always make friends with the people around you. You find out that the last time the lady next to you saw Hole live, you were in the fourth grade. How the guy standing to your right thinks it's not her singing that makes her great, but her lack of concern for the audience's opinion of her. And how the weirdo behind you just might be Courtney's stalker.
So I'm standing in the Tabernacle. It's about 120 degrees and I'm a few feet from the stage surrounded by my new found friends. I stare at Courtney Love, wondering why in a world of people who think she's ridiculous, I'm so in awe of her. I've been enamored by her for a good part of my life. Not because she was Cobain's wife. Not because she makes headlines with her drug-enhanced antics. But because she's a poet. Somewhere inside that crazy, tangle-haired, wide-eyed girl behind the guitar is a writer that truly speaks to my soul. I stand there happy to know that the other hundred people that surround me in front of the stage feel the same way (especially stalker-guy behind me). And as she lifts that iconic leather-booted leg out from under her dress and onto the stage-front speaker, my hands go in the air and I sing along to my favorite song.
You always make friends with the people around you. You find out that the last time the lady next to you saw Hole live, you were in the fourth grade. How the guy standing to your right thinks it's not her singing that makes her great, but her lack of concern for the audience's opinion of her. And how the weirdo behind you just might be Courtney's stalker.
So I'm standing in the Tabernacle. It's about 120 degrees and I'm a few feet from the stage surrounded by my new found friends. I stare at Courtney Love, wondering why in a world of people who think she's ridiculous, I'm so in awe of her. I've been enamored by her for a good part of my life. Not because she was Cobain's wife. Not because she makes headlines with her drug-enhanced antics. But because she's a poet. Somewhere inside that crazy, tangle-haired, wide-eyed girl behind the guitar is a writer that truly speaks to my soul. I stand there happy to know that the other hundred people that surround me in front of the stage feel the same way (especially stalker-guy behind me). And as she lifts that iconic leather-booted leg out from under her dress and onto the stage-front speaker, my hands go in the air and I sing along to my favorite song.
"I want to be the girl with the most cake.
I love him so much it just turns to hate.
I fake it so real, I am beyond fake.
And someday, you will ache like I ache.
Someday, you will ache like I ache."
doll parts @ the tabernacle from Meg Kirsic on Vimeo.
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