Saturday, July 10, 2010

i think i'm there.

How is it that after traveling the world, from Greece to Maui, Knoxville is still one of my favorite places? I say it's just as much about the people you're with than the city you're in. Chad asked me while walking around in the old city, "If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be?" 

I answered, "I think I'm there." 

Standing next to the old Tennessee Theater in the blistering Fourth of July heat, with my best friend ever, Stephanie, is exactly where I wanted to be. We see each other every other month if we're lucky. But then Chad clarified, "If you could be anywhere in the world with STEPHANIE, DUNCAN AND MYSELF, where would it be?" I laughed and pondered for a minute.


I've never been there before. I prefer traveling to new places. But Knoxville is a place that I will never be tired of visiting. It holds so many memories for me, and every time I'm there I create new ones. This trip's memories include, but are not limited to: quite possibly the best sushi I've ever had in my entire life, hilarious drinking games that made us laugh so hard we cried, Fourth of July parfaits, our own personal fireworks show, Eclipse movie mania, and a windy photo session in the car!

Do you have a random place you love to visit just because of the great friends who live there? Where is your Knoxville?

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